Kim Smith

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kim Smith was born on March 2, 1983 in Texas, where Kim now attends a renowned high school and is currently in her third year. Kim's high school is well known for its athletic programs, especially football. As a freshman, Kim earned the right to be a member on the varsity golf team, where she's been a major contributor. Last year she got a hole in one on a par three hole. Kim also serves on the National Junior Honor Society, and was voted most popular by her peers. About a year ago, Kim went to a Model Search America contest in Dallas with a friend. She was pulled aside by David Mogul, president of the organization, and asked why her nametag was lableled "guest". She then went from a visitor to a competitor, and after 12 callbacks she signed a contract with Clipse management and Ty Kilinic of Dallas. For more on Kim Smith, see what the Press has to say about her. more info

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